._. i thought it was saved. -.- now everything's gone cos my html can't be accepted. ):
Yobusayo, :D
basically whatever that just disappeared is now gone cos i cannot remember much of what i typed. )): So, i'm loving the titile so much but i can't add the'<3 4am.="" afternoon.="" an="" another="" best="" blog="" body="" but="" by="" came="" clock="" do="" down="" episode="" ever="" far="" feel="" final="" forget="" from="" future.="" have="" hm="" hour="" hyun="" i="" in="" is="" it="" its="" joon="" just="" kdrama="" kim="" lest="" love="" min="" much="" my="" now="" of="" omg.="" ou="" p="" so="" soo="" star="" stars="" the="" theoretically="" unearthly="" was="" watched="" weird="" who="" ytd="">
So cute omg, pretty boy face and i'm loving this hairstyle of his, (((: <3 147="" :="" :b="" a="" acted="" acting="" actor="" actually="" after="" age.="" ah="" ahahaah.="" all="" amja="" and="" any="" at="" awesome="" be="" been="" before.="" best="" bf.="" but="" can="" career="" chakamanneo.="" chase="" chingu="" come="" crazy="" cried="" currently="" cute="" daebak.="" doubt="" download="" drama="" dream="" dugoya="" during="" dvd="" else.="" embraces="" emotionless="" ending="" ends.="" entwining="" episode.="" eps="" etc.="" even="" ever="" exaggerated="" eyes="" face="" fan="" feel="" feeling="" felt.="" few="" fi="" from="" gaze="" get="" getting="" girl="" got="" guess="" hairstyle="" happening="" has="" have="" he="" hehehe.="" high.="" higher="" his="" hope="" i="" if="" ik.="" in="" incited="" interest="" is="" isnt="" it="" just="" kind="" know="" korean.="" korean="" last="" laughs.="" learning="" learnt="" level="" like="" ll="" lost="" love="" loving="" man="" may="" me="" melodramatic="" might="" moon="" more="" most="" moving="" much.="" my="" nbsp="" never="" next="" nice="" no="" not="" objects="" observant.="" of="" omggggg.="" on="" or="" p="" phone.="" phrases="" planning="" possessed="" quite="" rather="" repeatedly="" rewatch="" rl.="" romance="" running="" s="" sbs.="" sci="" secretly="" see="" seems="" sg="" show="" shows="" smile="" smiley="" so="" soon="" sth="" stop="" strong="" such="" sun="" superpowers="" sure="" symptoms="" t="" talented="" teared="" telekinectsis="" teleportation="" tgt="" thanks="" that="" the="" this.="" this="" those="" though="" thought="" time="" tired="" to="" too="" was="" watch.="" watch="" watched="" what="" when="" whenever="" which="" why="" with="" withdrwal="" won="" would="" you="" young="" your="" yup="">
Till then,
Rachel Tay
p.s love ya Kim Soo Hyun! <3 p="">3>